Welcome to the IPS Realtor Referral Program

If you are here you must have been offered a chance of a lifetime! Only selected Licensed Real Estate Agents are offered this great opportunity!! We here at IPS realize that Realtors are a great referral resource. We also feel like the work you do goes unappreciated lots of times, with no monetary reward! Because we are a 100% referral company we have created the RRP (Realtor Referral Program).
Our RRP pays the Realtor a referral every time. It also allows the Realtor to put his/her name into a yearly drawing! That’s right!! We are going to pay you for you referrals and then enter you in to a drawing every for a trip for 2 to an exotic getaway! You can only enter this drawing by referral only!!
If you refer a client and we protect their home, then your name is entered into the RRP. The more referrals you give, the more money you make and the more chances of winning the exotic getaway for you and someone else! If you don’t see your name on the drawing and you have not seen your referral check, then that means that your client did not get our services. When you sign up for the RRP you will receive 5 FREE alarm system certificates in your packet. You take the certificate and give it to your client at closing for a FREE alarm. They call us to redeem it and becomes our customer. You get your referral and a chance to win the free trip giveaway. It’s that simple!! If you are a Realtor and have not signed up just give us a call and one of our representatives will come by and bring you a start-up package. Our referrals are $50 for every person you send that becomes a our customer!